Danfoss ChangeOver6, 6-way ball valve insulation 003Z3150, 003Z3151

12.00 +VAT

SKU: E1-1-1 Category:


Our developed insulation kit makes the insulation work for the Danfoss ChangeOver6 6-way ball valve quick and easy.

The average installation time is only 5 minutes. Insulation layer thickness is 13mm.

Available material manufacturers: Aerofoam, Armaflex AF/XG/Ultima

Product is suitable for insulating the following Danfoss 6-way valves:
– ChangeOver6 valve, DN 15 – 003Z3150
– ChangeOver6 valve, DN 20 – 003Z3151

For further information and interest, please contact info@easyfit.ee.


Additional information

Material producer

Armaflex Ultima, Aerofoam, Armaflex AF/XG

Suitable for products

Danfoss 003Z3150, 003Z3151